Soil Consulting and Crop Consulting in Illinois. You may call it soil testing, soil sampling, or soil health management, but it is more than that. These are my daily or weekly travels in soil and crop consulting and my observations in the agricultural world.
RPM Soils, LLC
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Cool Damp
Work took us south yesterday near Belleville. Our client has done no tillage and his fields were firm but damp. Weather was cold and drizzly at least part of the day. It still feels like winter, but days are getting longer.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Very Wet
Sampled about 100 acres yesterday. It was very wet. Still some frost in the ground. I thought the rain would take it all out. The weather was pleasant. It would have been very easy to get stuck with the 4 wheeler.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Spring on the way?
Weather is still cold for the most part, but the weekend was rather pleasant. Did some work outdoors and enjoyed the warmth. I saw some mourning doves around and thought I heard a robin. Smelled a skunk this morning as I left the house to work out.