Originally posted as my September blog as an Illinois Soy Envoy Under the title of "Three Phosphorus Tests and Which to Use on
Your Soil"
was recently in the spotlight as the American Society of Agronomy celebrated
Phosphorus Week, September 15-21. It seems appropriate to celebrate the
discovery of one of our most important crop nutrients and focus on how to
manage it better.
Discovered 350 years ago, phosphorus is the 11
most abundant element on earth. Because it is so plentiful, it would seem it
should be one of the easiest to manage for crop production. However, it is not
evenly distributed and not always readily available for plant growth. According
to Emerson Nafzinger,
of Illinois Extension, soybeans remove 0.75 pounds of P
5 per
bushel of grain. Some of that phosphorus comes from the soil and some comes
from added fertilizer.
The first step to better phosphorus management is testing. Over
the years, many tests have been developed to help producers determine if they
need to be adding phosphorus fertility to maximize crop production. One of the
first universally accepted tests was the Bray P1 test. Ideal P1 levels have
been established and the test has been in use since the 1930s, so we have lots
of data on removal and ideal levels. P1 ideal level is 70 pounds per acre. Bray
P2 uses a slightly more acidic extractant. It was developed to help with
application of rock phosphate as a fertilizer. Today, in soils with pH below
7.0, P2 can be used to determine reserve levels of phosphorus in the soil. The
Bray tests are colorimetric, which means the amount of light passing through a
liquid is measured to determine P levels.
Mehlich 3 is also a commonly used
test for phosphorus. The Mehlich 3 extraction is used to analyze many of our
nutrients including potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and the
micronutrients. The test is read by ICP which is a type of atomic absorption
spectrometer. Mehlich 3 readings tend to average a bit lower for P, so ideal
levels could be adjusted higher, although University of Illinois Extension does
not do so. I have run both P1 and Mehlich 3 on many samples over the years and
find that the comparison is not always linear. Use whichever you or your lab prefers
and use the same test every time. Beware that some labs run Mehlich 3 but
calculate a P1 test
—this is not ideal.

Olsen P is another test I use on
high pH soils. The calcium in high pH soils can tie up phosphorus and make it
less available for plant growth. Olsen gives a better idea about P availability
on high pH soils and you should consider running this test if you are in that
situation. Ideal Olsen Test is 30 pounds per acre.
While low soil phosphorus can have a negative impact on crop
production, high soil phosphorus is associated with high levels of dissolved
phosphorus in our water. When I was matriculating at University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), we were taught that phosphorus did not leave the field
except by erosion, and movement was not really a problem because it did not
affect crop production.
We have since learned that about half the phosphorus that
leaves the field is by erosion and the other half is dissolved in runoff and
drainage water. The other problem with phosphorus loss is that relatively low
levels can cause harmful algae blooms as we’ve seen with Lake Erie in recent
years. The phosphorus itself is not harmful for human consumption, but the
toxins produced by the algae are harmful. The algae bloom caused by excessive
nutrients can also remove oxygen from the ecosystem and cause eutrophication,
or the death of animal life due to lack of oxygen. The eutrophication can negatively
affect a lot of aquatic life. Some of our most desirable game fish are the most
vulnerable. Excessive phosphorus can also interfere with zinc uptake.
Managing the phosphorus levels in our soils is important to
crops and the environment. Phosphorus is already one of the most highly
regulated nutrients in the United States. Places like the Chesapeake Bay and
Lake Erie watersheds are the most prominent. The regulatory levels of phosphorus
may be reasonable enough, but the problem with regulations is that they remove management
flexibility for the producer. The target now for more regulation is focused on
the Midwest because of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps we can hold back those regulations by
responsible management.
Here is a list of steps to take to better manage phosphorus
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Keep phosphorus test levels in the 70 pound per
acre range.
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Don’t add fertilizer when soil test levels
exceed the ideal amount.
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Placing fertilizer below the surface can be
effective in managing losses.
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Keep soil pH in the 6.0 to 7.0 range.
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Do not apply manure on snow or frozen ground.
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In manure systems, keep soil test levels below 300
pounds per acre.
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Keep soil loss at or below tolerable levels.
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Keep sediment on the field using structural and
vegetative methods.
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Soil test often to monitor levels.
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Use soil tests appropriate for your soils.
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Use 4R principles in making decisions about how
much phosphorus to apply and when.
As we celebrate the discovery of phosphorus, we need to
understand that levels that are too low can have a negative effect on crop
production, but levels that are too high can have a negative effect on our
planet. If you’d like to learn more, Pete Kleinman, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, gives a good overview in his blog on
phosphorus is needed on farms. The site also has additional resources for added
context and perspective.
rpmsoils.com to learn how we can help you manage your phosphorous.