What is a nematode? It is a small wormlike creature that attaches itself to soybean roots and interferes with water and nutrient uptake. The effects are especially problematic in dry years. How can you tell if you have soybean cyst nematode (SCN)? Soil samples should be taken and analyzed by a lab. Nematodes are barely visible with the naked eye, and there are thousands of species, so the best bet is to have an expert see what you have. Unfortunately the test is not necessarily definitive, so you might want to assume that you have them.
What can you do about SCN? One good reason to grow corn two years in a row is to reduce SCN populations. Another good strategy is to get wheat into the rotation. I our area, wheat is often followed by double crop beans, so that might not be as effective as we would like. Check the resistance on your seed. Some varieties are better than others. If you have had a problem in a field in the past, you might want to shoot for one of the more resistant varieties.
For further reading check out this article out of Iowa.
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