This Announcement came direct from USDAUSDA Announces Details of Assistance for Farmers Impacted by Unjustified Retaliation
USDA is taking action to assist farmers in response to trade damage from unjustified retaliation by foreign nations. As announced last month, USDA will authorize up to $12 billion in programs, consistent with our World Trade Organization obligations.
These programs will assist agricultural producers to meet the costs of disrupted markets:
The Market Facilitation Program is established under the statutory authority of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) and administered by FSA. For each commodity covered, the payment rate will be dependent upon the severity of the trade disruption and the period of adjustment to new trade patterns, based on each producer’s actual production.
Interested producers can apply after harvest is 100 percent complete and they can report their total 2018 production. Beginning Sept. 4 of this year, Market Facilitation Program applications will be available online at Producers will also be able to submit their applications in person, by email, fax or by mail.
For detailed information, including initial payment rates and to view U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue’s video message on the Market Facilitation Program read the full USDA press release.
Please contact your local County FSA Office. |
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