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Saturday, March 2, 2019

Agent Orange in Vietnam

My friend Dr. Ken Olsen has released his study of Agent Orange Residues in Vietnam.  This is a followup to his studies of tunnels in Vietnam.  Agent Orange is made up of 2-4D and 2-4-5T.  Neither chemical is persistent in the environment, but the mixture sprayed in Vietnam did not have toxic dioxin removed.  He has found that the dioxin is still persisting in the environment and in places around some of the airports, the dioxin is still found in very high levels.  I wrote a term paper on Agent Orange for my Weeds Class at U of I, so I am very familiar with the issue. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...


David, Agent Orange started out as a herbicide to control jungle weeds but after 50 years the dioxin TCDD has made it a soil and sediment and water problem which needs expensive remediation. Both in Vietnam and the US (where it was manufacture in the 1950s (manufacture in Newark and the dioxin TCDD is in Passaic River a 17 mile superfund site). Focus for another paper in JSWC.

The ACES news release was just picked up by Fox News, New York Post, the UK Daily News and about 70 other blogs and news sites. Links to both the ACES news release and the original 34 page article are post on Facebook in Hanoi and will be in the main Hanoi library shortly. The original paper has been downloaded over 800 times in the last week.

US Army Vietnam Era Veteran (1969 -1973) and Professor Emeritus of Soil Science.
Ken Olson

I am working on a new Warfare -Soils series and the first two are now in my drawer at the Vietnam Center and Archive in Lubbock, Texas (Texas Tech).