Rainfall Deviation From Average YTD June 3 |
This is the rainfall deviation from average from National Weather Service. It is centered on Illinois, but catches a lot of the Midwest including Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, and about half of Ohio. Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Montgomery, and Madison Counties are sitting in an area where rainfall is about average (gray). Green and Blue areas are above average. Yellow and red are below average. You can see that southeastern Illinois is 8 to 12 inches below average. Note that I prefer the term average as compared to "normal" I will do a rant on that sometime. As always click to enlarge or go to NWS site to look at your area closer.
I had an interesting day weather wise. I got to see a cloud go from little old cumulus to supercell in about an hour. It was not a huge cell, but very cool to watch. I understand there was hail with the storm. I was watching for tails, but did not see any.
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