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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wet soybean harvest in Brazil.

By Eduardo Paim:

Good Evening Friends! This week started with a lot of work here, I'll tell you a little bit.
Look at the photo that shows the river is on the street.  This river water increased by about 5 meters in 5 days.
The soybean harvest in Mato Grosso here and every other state in Brazil are slow with too much rain.  We are not able to harvest! Soybeans that have not been harvested and are sprouting in the plant.  We have soy that is rotting in the fields before being harvested, some producers have reported that some areas will not be harvested because because soybeans rotted! We had 5 days of rain throughout the Mato Grosso, and today we saw the sun go down, but now it began to rain in the evening (9:00 pm). The forecast is for a further 10 days of nonstop rain, is worrisome friend!

The producers are deciding to harvest soy with up to 40% humidity so they don't rot on the plant. The next 15 or 20 days because we have to follow will be very important for Mato Grosso! It has a lot of soy that is ready to harvest and the rains do not stop!

We were 20 or 30 days without rain in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil and in Argentina (country alongside Brazil), and have had little rain this week, we are still worried!

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