There is a John Deere 227 corn picker parked along I-55 north of Wagonner. I found a web site that said it was built from 1953 till 1963. It is mounted on a John Deere G built from 1937 till 1953. I am guessing by the grill that this one was made after 1942. My Dad had a 227 picker mounted to a John Deere 60. He would fill the wagons in the morning and my brother and I unloaded when we got home from school. They were something of a fire hazard because residue would get trapped on the engine and catch fire. Dad had a neighbor put it out for him one time and put it out several times himself. He finally started buying disposable fire extinguishers and kept three on the tractor at a time. The picker worked well and I think Dad replaced all the parts at least twice before he quit picking ear corn.
John Deere G with 227 mounted corn picker |
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