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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Soybean Harvest in Brazil

By Eduardo Paim

I was waiting to approach the end of the soybean harvest to send you information. Here in Brazil in the main states harvest is ending and for sure Brazil will produce a lot of soybeans, it rained perfect and the rain forecasts that could disrupt the crops will not happen. Argentina seems to have productivity problems. Let's wait. On average Brazil will plant 35% of the second corn crop outside the ideal time. Last year, that's how it happened and we produce a lot of corn in 2017, so if Jesus sends rains we will not have any problems. The rains here are very good and the climate expected to be cooler this year, which should favor planted corn.

Today the government of Brazil has informed that it will sell corn from private stocks in Brazil to lower prices in the domestic market, this should pressure future prices here as well.
Hugs and have a nice weekend.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Using Dicamba this Growing Season

Last year we gained more experience than we wanted to have on evaluating dicamba damage in soybeans that were not traited for dicamba.  While I do not think that the new label requirements adequately address the volatilization issue, I think they will halp to deal with some of the issues people had with their dicamba applications. 

Dr. Aaron Hagar issued a new bulletin today on dicamba use that is worth a read, especially if yo uare using dicamba. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Tunnels in Vietnam

Many of us know that the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong hid in tunnels during the War for safety.  The Tunnels were extensive and were used to store supplies and even get around.  My friend, Dr. Ken Olson explored the tunnels last year.  His knowledge of soils undoubtedly gives new insight.  Check out his news release.  Here is the the full article