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Monday, November 25, 2013

Still Soil Sampling

I worked today soil sampling in the Freeburg area.  In some places the bare ground was frozen solid enough that I could not push the probe in by hand.  The good news is that my customer had not tilled anything.  I could kick away some residue and push in easily.  The question many  might have, is, "Is it too cold to sample."  We know that temperature, moisture, and other environmental factors can affect soil test values, but the experts also say that if you sample a certain field at the same time of year you will be able to be fairly certain that your test levels are valid.  I always sample this particular client when the weather is very cold.  The only thing different about today was a bit of snow flying at times.  It amazes me how often I sample a field on or near the same date every year. 

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