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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cover Crops Conference

Sorry for missing a chance to post yesterday.  I was attending conference on cover crops in Decatur, Illinois.  The program was one of the best conferences of any kind that I have ever attended.  There was a good blend of programs from the "experts" in government and academia to the real experts, the farmers who were actually using cover crops.  Over all the take home message was that cover crops can improve our soils by helping to feed the microbes that help to make plant nutrients available for crop production.  One of my tweeps said that he dreamed about fungus last night.  The farmer participants were unanimous that cover crops enhance their bottom line.  Most of them stressed that their way of implementing soil management with cover crops was not the only way.  Producers need to make the transition based on their own skills, farm tools and land.  Watch for more specific insights later this week. 

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