Sorry I am off topic today, but I cannot pass up paying respects to the greatest Cardinal ever. I barely remember Stan Musial's playing days but as a Cardinal fan, I understand what a great baseball player he was. This was in yesterday's St. Louis Post Dispatch. "More than 20,000 men have played in the major leagues and only four have finished in the top 20 for home runs, RBI's and batting average - Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ted Williams and Stan Musial. Only 3 men have accumulated 6000 total bases - Willie Mays, Henry Aaron, and Stan Musial. Only one man has made both lists - Stan Musial." That is the measure of his athletic abilities. Check out the link above for more information on Stan's life and career.
The most striking thing about Stan's life and his passing is that I have never heard a cross word spoken about him except maybe by players from opposing teams. He remained in the public eye from the time he broke in with the Cardinals until his passing almost 72 years later. There was never a time in St. Louis when anyone asked, "what is Stan doing these days." Everyone knew. He was out in the public meeting his fans. He was visiting people who needed a lift. He attended sporting events and fund raisers. And yes he had a steady business selling autographs and memorabilia as Stan the Man, Inc. Stan was the first player to top the $100,000 mark, and wise investments and a brisk restaurant business left him in a good position financially, but he missed out on the obscene sums that current stars get.
Bernie Miklasz has written a great tribute to Stan Musial. Stan seems to be as beloved by current fans as he is by those who played with him or saw him play. That is a tribute to the way he lived his life and the way he treated people. Even if you never met him, a Cardinal Fan felt like he knew Stan. Hearing and reading all of the Stan Musial tributes is an inspiration to emulate his demeanor and his generosity. There was more to Stan Musial that the old guy who rode around the Busch Stadium in a golf cart on opening day.
Why is my Internet so Bad
4 years ago
1 comment:
Thanks for the tribute Dave.
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