We had an epic drought in 2012, so did we learn anything we can use in 2013 and beyond? I guess the biggest thing may be that corn can be planted too early. In our area, some corn was planted in Mid-March. It withstood cold weather and frost, but it appeared to be damaged more than we thought. Yields of Mid-March corn were disappointing even though they appeared to be planted early enough to at least get a jumpstart on the hot dry weather. Corn planted the last week in March appeared to work much better. Extremely early planted soybeans also did not fare well. Later soybeans waited for rains and did ok to extremely well. My take away is that it is possible to plant too early. I still think that if soil conditions and temperatures are favorable, the last few days of March are not too early to start planting corn. I am not sure I have ever seen a big advantage to planting soybeans in April.
This article on Planning for 2013 by Dave Nanda pretty much says that radical adjustments are probably not needed in 2013.
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4 years ago
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