By Randy Darr, President of Soil-Right Consulting Services, Inc.
I personally find it absolutely laughable that anyone could even entertain the thought that global warming is caused by man or that global warming exists as an unnatural phenomenon. Our climate does and will continue to change with or without humans on the planet. Recent reports suggests that global warming ceased over 15 years ago.
The planet was definitely colder during the ice age. We have glacial evidence to prove it. There weren't too many people here at that time. Records also show that there were warmer climatic trends way before the use of fossil fuels. In the 1700's and early 1800's there were years of excruciating heat and the Mississippi River has been close to going dry. You can read accounts of people walking across the Mississippi as they traveled west.
The earth that God gave us to live on is much more dynamic and resilient than we give it credit for. We have been given the charge of taking care of the earth and using things judiciously, but, the small amount of the earth that humans actually inhabit is minuscule compared to the rest.
The greater issue of all is water quality. There is only so much water on the planet and even less that is usable by humans. Water quality is the issue of the 21st century far beyond the potential of global warming of a degree or two every 20 years.
Carbon trading is the greatest ponzi scheme ever devised to fleece the wealth of the world.
My 2 cents.
Why is my Internet so Bad
4 years ago
Clean water, soil conservation, and sustainable agriculture are where we should be investing our resource money. Every nickle that is spent on Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a nickle that is not spent on the critical resource issues of out time.
Thanks Sam
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