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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Managing rootworm resistance

Maybe this is not the most timely blog I have ever written but I read this article on managing for rootworm resistance today.  It is probably too late to consider the first two BMP's this year.  I suspect everyone has their seed and knows what they intend to plant.   To summarize their advice:
  1. Rotate to soybeans
  2. Use traits other than the  Cry3Bb1
  3. Use insecticide
This is assuming you are already using refuges in some way. 

One thing that comes to my mind when I read this kind of stuff is that the cornbelt needs some other highly productive crop to mix in with the corn and soybeans to break the disease and insect problems we have.  The genetics especially in corn is amazing, but mixing in addition species would be useful.  We have heard about such crops as canola and edible beans, but there is really nothing with the income potential of corn and soybeans on our highly productive soils in the Midwest. 

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