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Friday, December 13, 2013

2-4D Resistant Water Hemp

Among the best presentations at the CCA Convention in Springfield on Thursday was the one by Mark Bernards of Western Illinois University on 2-4D resistant waterhemp.  2-4D resistance was first noticed in 2009.  In his presentation, he showed pictures of plants that were sprayed with extremely high rates with no effect on the waterhemp.  His makes the eighth Mode of Action that waterhemp has adapted to.  Dr. Bernards presented a 12 step program for weed control.
  1. Understand the biology of the weeds present
  2. Use a diversified approach focused on preventing weed seed production and reducing the number of seeds int he field.
  3. Plant into eed free fields and keep them weed free
  4. Plant weed free crop seed.
  5. Scout Fields routinely
  6. Use multiple modes of action.
  7. Apply the labeled rate at the correct weed sizes.
  8. Use cultural proactices that supress weeds with crop competetiveness
  9. Use mechanical and biological management practices where appropriate
  10. Prevent field to field and within field movements of seeds.  
  11. Manage weed seeds at harvest and after to prent a seed bank buildup.
  12. Prevent influx into a field
Relying on one product must become a thing of the past. 

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